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《What I Miss About You》选自Katie Melua的专辑《Pictures》凯蒂·梅露(Katie Melua,原名Ketevan Katie Melua)是名英国创作歌手,凯特·玛露Katie Melua是英国最畅销的女艺人及欧洲最畅销的欧洲女艺人。Katie Melua声线兼备蓝调、民谣、爵士味道,她那甜美清澈的年轻嗓音,让人遥想起已逝的跨界流行爵士美声Eva Cassidy。

聆听杂志曾推荐过Katie Melua的《When You Taught Me》和《Nine Million Bicycles》等经典歌曲。

Katie Melua出生于格鲁吉亚,但在8岁时搬到北爱尔兰,14岁时搬到英格兰。Katie Melua与Dramatico唱片公司签约,2003年11月,Katie Melua发行她的首张专辑《Call off the Search》,登上英国专辑榜冠军。第二张专辑《Piece by Piece》在2005年9月发行,获得四白金认证。第三张专辑《Pictures》在2007年10月发行,经过前面专辑的融合,Katie Melua俨然形成自己灵动和慵懒的风格,声线在起和转中传递过来的是从容和大气,没有戚戚的悲伤,没有深刻的痛楚,通过Katie Melua的诠释那本该私密隐藏的情绪,给予歌曲另外的情绪:解脱和释怀。

What I Miss About You-Katie Melua What I Miss About You-Katie Melua《Pictures》

《What I Miss About You》Katie Melua 英文歌词:
Missing the train every morning at 8:52,
Sipping coffee from the same cup as you.
The sharing of secrets
we thought no one else knew,
That’s what I miss about you.

The new way that love had made me see,
Your bashful grin when you asked
if I would like your key.
The knowing way you used to caress me,
That’s what I miss about you.

You stole in with your starry smile exciting me,
Driving with you in your new car, feeling free.
If it’s true that love is blind,
then I was blind willingly,
You made me feel we had a future,
that could be and would be.

The way you said I’d be no one on my own,
Your habit of soaking yourself in over-priced cologne.
The way you turned the light out
when I knew you were home,
That’s what I don’t miss about you.

I bet you’re using your weary magic like it’s new,
Driving so fast with a new fool beside you.
Presumably believing she’s the last of the lucky few,
I wonder if she knows she’s being lied to like I do.

The way I only doubted myself when I was with you,
Like I was a fool for expecting something from life too.
Your skill of putting me down in-front of everyone we knew,
That’s what I don’t miss about you.




I Am You – Kim Taylor
