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《So Young》选自Suede(山羊皮乐队)的同名专辑《Suede》。赵薇导演处女作《致我们终将逝去的青春》的插曲,《致青春》电影版的剧情拼接的支离破碎,莫名其妙的剧情衔接,但作为Suede迷,当So Young的前奏响起,Brett Anderson嘶声的呐喊,它总是那么震慑人心。

《So Young》唱的是什么?是药物,是飘飘欲仙,是放逐,是醉生梦死。《So Young》歌颂的又是什么?是肆意挥霍年轻的酣畅淋漓和洒脱,是面对青春葬礼时无可奈何的悲壮,是发现青春易逝的残酷事实后的感伤。


十五年前的他,So young,So gone。


Suede是由主唱Brett Anderson、吉他手Richard Oakes、贝斯手Mat Osman、鼓手Simon Gilbert及键盘乐器手Alex Lee所组成。Suede多变的风格、绚烂的作品,诡异、神秘是给人最深刻的印象,人们喜欢把Suede称为华丽摇滚,因为乐队创造出了精美而令人迷醉的音乐。然而,乐队本身具有的朋克风范似乎又打破以往人们对华丽摇滚的认识。

So Young-Suede So Young-Suede

《Beautiful Ones》Suede英文歌词:
Because we’re young, because we’re gone.
Oh, we’ll take the tide’s electric mind.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.

We’re so young and so gone.
Let’s chase the dragon, oh.

Because we’re young, because we’re gone.
Oh, we’ll scare the skies with tiger’s eyes.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.

We’re so young and so gone.
Let’s chase the dragon, oh.
Let’s chase the dragon, oh.
Let’s chase the dragon.

From our home high in the city.
Where the skyline stained the snow.
I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil.

We’re so young and so gone.
Let’s chase the dragon from our home, home, home.

From our home, home, home.
From our home, home, home.
From our home, home, home.


